Sunday, September 27, 2015

A Writing Challenge!

Okay, people, it's time to get serious now. Time to challenge myself!

As you can see, I have not been taking this blog very seriously since I started it a year-and-a-half ago. In that time, I've posted a grand total of three posts. Pathetic.

I didn't intend to be so nonchalant about this. That wasn't my goal. I wanted to write a blog in order to get back into the writing game with something other than my journal. I wanted to have an audience, to receive feedback, to practice, and to improve. I wanted to write one post a week and work on my novel as well. And although I have several posts half-done, I haven't worked on them for the past few months, and I can't remember the last time I pulled out my novel.

Enough is enough! It's time to stop procrastinating and start writing! Time to stop making excuses and to start filling pages!

So, I'm going to issue myself a challenge:

I challenge myself to write and publish a post every single day for a month beginning right now.

I don't know what I'll write about. Anything and everything. Whatever's on my mind. Funny things my kids say or do, an article I read online, my thoughts about The Best Time Ever or General Conference or my new part-time job...whatever. Anything and everything is fair game.

I'm not going to worry about them being worded just perfectly. I'm not going to post pictures with cute little captions. I'm not going to pretend that I'm working on a professional blog for which I'm getting paid. Because let's face it--I'm not.

The goal here is simply to write. To post something each day, even if it's just to say, "I'm tired, so I'm going to bed now. Good night." Something.

So check back in and see what random crap I can come up with. Some might be interesting, full of wisdom and insight that will change your life forever! And some might just help you fall asleep that night. Either way, no skin off your nose, right?

Oh, and any encouragement would be appreciated. I'm calling this a challenge for a reason--it will be difficult for me. I will struggle with it. But I believe I can do it. With you holding me accountable, it will be that much easier.

Wish me luck!

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