Monday, September 28, 2015

Grayson at 8 months

Today is Grayson's 8-month birthday. He's so dang precious, and I just want him to stay wittle fowevor! But alas, he continues to grow and change and get bigger every day. Then again, watching them learn and grow and progress is one of my greatest joys of motherhood, so I guess he can go right on changing. Each time they discover something new, some mundane thing that I take for granted every day, and its discovery fills them with elation, I just feel so honored to be able to witness that and share in that experience. To watch them explore their newly found thing and rejoice in their own cleverness...well, there really is nothing like it.

Grayson's new discoveries this past month include crawling--actual hand-over-hand, knee-after-knee crawling--and pulling himself into a stand. He just adores standing all by himself while holding onto the couch or some other at least semi-stable object. While at the park today, that object happened to be me. I was lying on my stomach on a blanket next to him and he grabbed ahold of my back and pulled himself right up. He then spent the next 20 or so minutes moving from my butt to my shoulder, back and forth, back and forth, ever so pleased with himself.

He just loves to stand on his own. He yearns for it, he craves it, I daresay he's nearly addicted to it. It's getting so bad that he now fights me every time I stuff him in that once-beloved-but-now-infuriatingly-confining bouncer of his. He doesn't want to be supported or safe from the ever-present dangers associated with being exposed on the floor with two kids and a stinky mastiff roaming the house. No, he wants to be wild and free, to go where no Gronenthal baby has dared gone before...

And so, a new level of Mommy Vigilance must be reached by me once more. How draining it is...

On another note, still no teethies for this little one which is pretty surprising for me. I saw them peeking through his gums when he was only two months old, and I thought for sure he would get them sooner than the others. Trey's first tooth made its appearance at five months and it seems likes Ally's was shortly after that. But here we are at eight months and not a tooth in sight. I looked it up, and it's normal to not get them until 12 months, so I'm not going to worry about it until after that point. I'm just going to enjoy the fact that he doesn't have them yet because even with just his gums, this kid can bite hard! 

And in other news, our little Gray-Gray is starting to be more vocal. His favorite "word" is "da-da" (I put that in quotes because he doesn't associate it with Brian yet. It's just a fun sound to say), and he's beginning to say, "Nah-nah-nah," when he's hungry. That's interesting because that was also Trey's word for num-nums or food or, you know, me. Do other babies make that noise when it's time to nurse or is it just my boys? I can't remember if Ally did that or not.

And I am so pleased to report (more like brag) that he has not had a single bald spot since before birth! As you all know, he was born with a full head of at least 1-inch long brown hair, and as his birth hair falls out, new light-blond hair seamlessly fills in underneath. And he has had 2 1/2 hair cuts so far. Love his hair! (Be jealous, each and every one of you. I give you permission.)

All-in-all, Grayson is a happy, healthy, smiley, beautiful, easy-going, and handsome little guy, and he gets compliments all the time while we are out and about. He wins them over when he flashes them his adorable grin, and he loves everybody. Not only will he go to anybody to be held, but he wants to. He reaches for anyone standing close enough to grab onto. I love that about him, and I hope he continues to see the good in people throughout his life. He's such a sweetie, and he lights up my life! We are so blessed to have him!


  1. I loved reading this. I'm so happy you and Brian have a happy healthy family! Keep posting!

    1. Thank you, and thanks for reading! Come back tonight for one about Trey. It's going to be a doozy!
