Thursday, October 15, 2015

Staying Active

When I was a teenager, staying active was really easy. Between dance, softball, marching band, and P.E., there wasn't a lot of time to not be active. But since getting married and especially since having kids, it's been much harder to find an exercise routine that sticks (I'm sure many of you can relate). But here are a couple of simple things that I've been able to do with some semblance of consistency, that I really enjoy doing, and that has helped me slim down a bit since having my third baby last winter.

The first is walking. I love being out in the sunshine and fresh air. I find it really rejuvenating. It's also low-impact and not too stressful on my body, it's free, and, best of all, I can include my kids. They love going on walks to the park, the library, or the store to pick up a juice and bubble gum. This exercise is the one I have been most consistent with since getting married...actually, since before I got married. Brian and I have always enjoyed going on walks together. In Rexburg, we used to walk around Porter Park. In Henserson, Nevada, Dickinson, North Dakota, and in Twin Falls, we used to love taking our dog, Indy, for walks to the park or along the Canyon Rim Trail. And now we get to enjoy it with our little ones, too. Walkimg is definitely one of my favorite exercises.

Another one I really love is yoga. Although I've never participated in a weekly class at a rec center or gym, I have had some random classes over the years and used to do it on my Wii Fit. Now I've found a video on Youtube that I really enjoy. It's with Denise Austen, and it's called "Yoga Buns". Since I've started doing it, I feel stronger in my body and mind. I feel like it strengthens everything, not just my booty, including my arms, back, and abs. And having 30 minutes to better myself has done wonders for my mood. Even though it isn't a cardio routine, I do get quite sweaty and out of breath. That just shows how hard I'm working even though I pretty much stay in the same place! Achieving something that challenges me is really great, and I feel like I have more mental clarity after a workout. It just truly is great all around.

18 months after having Ally, I was down to 39 inches in my waist. While pregnant with Grayson, I got up to 55 inches. I made a goal to reach 40 inches before his first birthday. I'm so pleased to report that 8 months after his birth, I have reached that goal! Just one more inch and I'll be where I was before I got pregnant with him. Now that's my new goal to reach before he turns one. If I keep walking and doing yoga a few times a week, I'm sure I'll reach it.

What do you do to stay active?

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